Torrington Blue Ribbon Commission
Minutes of Meeting
Friday, December 3, 2010
Torrington City Hall, 7 AM Office of the Mayor
Members Present: Mike Clark, Elinor Carbone, Doug O’Connell, Mayor Bingham, Lorel Purcell. Also present: Advisors Danielle Batchelder, Superintendent Leone and Stephen Nocera
- At 7 AM a motion to open the meeting was made by Mr. O’Connell, seconded by Ms. Carbone.
- Mr. O’Connell noted that the Minutes being considered for approval failed to mention that Mr. Traub had suggested that the matter of additional expenses generated by multifamily dwellings ought to be considered as a topic for analysis by the BRC. A motion was made by Mr. O’Connell to amend the Minutes of the Meeting of 11.12.10 to reflect Mr. Traub’s suggestion. His motion was seconded by Ms. Carbone and approved by the commission. A motion for approval of the Amended Minutes of Meeting 11.12.10 was made by Mr. O’Connell, seconded by Ms. Carbone, and approved by the commission.
- Mr. Clark asked the commission for comments regarding the meeting schedule for the year 2011. A schedule of all BRC commission meetings scheduled for 2011 is required to be posted on the City Clerk bulletin board. There were no suggested changes to the current schedule of 7 AM, every other Friday, in the Mayor’s office. A motion to approve the same schedule was made by Mr. Clark, seconded by Mayor Bingham and unanimously approved by the commission.
- Mayor Bingham distributed copies of the cumulative listing of suggestions sent to the BRC. He suggested that the best way to process the list was for all members to prioritize suggestions on the list. The Mayor deferred to Superintendent Leone to provide a rating system. Mr. Leone suggested that each member annotate his list with a 1-5 priority for each suggestion; one being the highest priority. The Mayor asked commission members to bring their prioritized lists to the December 17th meeting and stated that tasks would then be assigned to members in accordance with areas of their specific interest whenever possible. He stated that assignments would be given a report-back date for progress updates and requested that Ms. Purcell develop a timeline chart to document all of the above. Ms. Purcell was asked
to provide the chart at the first BRC meeting scheduled in 2011.
- Other Business: Mr. Clark suggested that the bid to provide moving services relating to the possible relocation of BOE offices include a tour of the destination location as well as the BOE offices and the cost to relocate displaced offices at TCH if that is the destination. Mr. Leone acknowledged the suggestion.
- A motion was made to Adjourn at 7:35 AM by Ms. Carbone, seconded by Mr. O’Connell, and unanimously approved by the commission.
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